AI Content Creation: a Challenge or Opportunity for Publishing Platforms?

As AI is gaining in traction and democratizes content creation, it presents both challenges and opportunities for publishing platforms. Shall they fight it or embrace it?

In the age of digital revolution, artificial intelligence (AI) has been pivotal, altering the landscape of many sectors, including content creation. As AI technology, particularly large language models, becomes more accessible to everyday users, we are witnessing an unprecedented democratization of content creation1. However, this paradigm shift raises pertinent questions: Should publishing platforms take notice, and if so, should they resist or embrace this change?

There are a few reason why AI could actually benefit publishing platforms and assist a lot of folks to share their ideas more effectively.

Human-AI Collaboration

Historically, busy individuals and companies have often employed ghostwriters to produce content. Now, in the AI era, these ghostwriters are increasingly being replaced by algorithms. The time-saving potential of AI is significant. It's like having a personal writing assistant who never tires, always available at your beck and call.

Now, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. A lot of folks would love to share their ideas, but simply don’t have the time or get struck with writer’s block. Using ChatGPT or similar to help you organize your thoughts and guide you in the outline process, even generate some basic paragraphs to help you get started is a good thing.

AI doesn't generate content from nothingness. Large language models require human prompts to guide their outputs. Humans are still very much in the driver's seat, providing the creative direction and oversight.

AI as a Language Equalizer

AI in content creation also holds promise as a language equalizer. Non-native English speakers can greatly benefit from AI models that help redact their ideas into coherent, well-written articles.

However, some platforms are imposing a mandatory disclosure of AI assistance. This could inadvertently discriminate against these individuals. Readers will see the “AI-assisted” tag or footnote and automatically disregard the article, even if AI played only a small part in it.

The debate over AI-assistance disclosure is a complex one and far from settled, but we should keep in mind that a lot of folks are using AI-assistance to write content in good faith and should not be penalized for it.

The Role of Publishing Platforms in the AI era

Publishing platforms face a crossroads: to resist or embrace AI-written or AI-assisted content. Different platforms may choose different strategies, depending on their goals and audiences.

However, considering the advantages of AI in content creation, it may be wise to adapt and integrate AI-assisted writing rather than fighting it. Publishing platforms are also, in most cases, promoting and facilitating freedom of expression2. That should include the right to express your opinions and ideas, whichever way you choose, AI-assisted or not.

The rise of AI in content creation presents both challenges and opportunities. As AI technology continues to evolve, so too will its role in content generation and our discussions around it. Perhaps the most vital thing, whether we are readers, writers, or publishers, is to stay engaged in this conversation, ready to adapt and evolve with the changing landscape of AI and writing.


  1. Bessen, J.E., 2019. AI and Jobs: The Role of Demand. NBER Working Paper No. 24235. Retrieved from:
  2. Article 10: Freedom of expression. Equality and Human Rights Commission. Retrieved from: